Winston Tom Morgan Favorite
Tom Morgan was the owner and rod designer at Winston from 1973 to 1991. Tom grew up fishing the spring creeks of Montana for wary brown trout, where delicate casts and perfect presentations were mandatory. In 1989, he designed a 4-weight for those exact conditions and named it the “Tom Morgan Favorite.” Over 30 years later, we still offer this exceptional rod, as it reflects Tom’s belief that “a great fly rod is always a great fly rod.” TMF rods come with a powder coated aluminum tube and logo rod sock.
ACTION: Medium-Slow.
GRIP DESIGN: 6.5” cigar.
REEL SEAT: Figured Tiger Maple with uplocking Nickel Silver hardware.
GUIDES: Chrome nanolite stripper guide/chrome snake guides.
STORAGE: Powder Coated Green Aluminum Tube and Logo Rod Sock.
MANUFACTURED: Designed and Handcrafted in Twin Bridges, Montana, USA.