Rivermaniac Fly Rod

Model 9' #3 Medium 9' #4 Medium 9' #5 Medium 9' #6 Medium 9'6" #7 Medium 10'6" #8 Medium 9' #3 Fast 9' #4 Fast 9' #5 Fast 9' #6 Fast 9'6" #7 Fast 10'6" #8 Fast

Maniac Family was born to be a project of special ones. Maniac rod series are tuned to perform in certain fishing types without any compromises.

Rivermaniac is the newest kid on the Maniac Family. Following the successful footsteps of Nymphmaniac and Stillmaniac we wanted to design a real deal river fishing all-rounders into the family. As the Maniac family is built without compromises, we could not create an all-rounder river fishing range with one action, so we made it in both Medium and Fast action versions. So, anglers can choose between two actions whether they prefer a medium one which is perfect (e.g) for roll-, speycasting and soft presentation or a fast action which is perfect for long casts and pushing those tight loops into a head wind. Rivermaniac series offers ultimate tools for every kind of river fishing making it a real river fishing special forces.