Thump, thump, thump! Rig up the Berkley® Gulp!® Saltwater Paddleshad and its vibrating, thumping tail action will provoke aggressive strikes wherever it swims. The experts at Berkley have designed the Paddleshad with a lifelike baitfish profile and a nose that's great for rigging with jigheads. Made of the ever popular and super-pliable Gulp! formula, this soft bait creates lifelike motions on the fall and the retrieve. Plus, this Gulp! proprietary material is infused with fish-attracting scent for extreme dispersion and hot fishing action.
- Thumping tail provokes aggressive strikes
- Lifelike baitfish profile
- Great for rigging with jigheads
- Gulp! formula is soft and pliable
- Lifelike motions on the fall and the retrieve
- Infused with fish-attracting scent